A short poem written while visiting Berlin.
Some poetic thoughts on beauty and transition
An essay written in the context of the module Bodies in Dissent, reflecting on the performance BECOMING MY NONBINARY BODY.
January 2022

Image: Fenia Kotsopoulou
An entry into my research at the Master of Performance Practices explaining 5 core elements of my practice. An attempt to create a shared understanding of The invisible time, Archiving Transition, The nonlinear identity, The poetics of images, The camera as a time machine.

Image: Steef Kersbergen
My reflections on the experiences in the module Critical Encounters. Considering writing and performing around the unnamable. Exploring colour, gender, personal history and how to combine all in artistic research.

Image: Steef Kersbergen
Reflective writing combined with a practice of image making and performance for camera as a response to the elective Autoethnography: Composing Experience in Performance with Zoya Sardashti.